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Are You Selling What Your Customers Need?

Are You Selling What Your Customers Need? This is not a comment on the actual item or service you sell but in how you present it. If you’re not using your audience’s language and talking to a need they’ve identified, you’re fighting a marketing battle, and you need to change that today. Here’s why:  …

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10 Innovative (and Cost-Free) Strategies to Grow Your Small Business

10 Innovative (and Cost-Free) Strategies to Grow Your Small Business everage word of mouth by encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences and offer referral incentives. Form strategic partnerships with businesses that align with your values for mutual growth and community building. Share your unique business story at local events and on your website to…

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Providing a Better Customer Experience with AI (seriously!)

Providing a Better Customer Experience with AI (seriously!) The business landscape is noisy and crowded for most of us. But keeping your customers happy and engaged is crucial to your success and their return. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a powerful toolkit to elevate your customer experience in ways you might not have thought of. And…

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Fire Up Your Email Marketing with These Action-Driving Subject Lines

Fire Up Your Email Marketing with These Action-Driving Subject Lines As a business owner, you are well-served by collecting emails and running an email marketing campaign if for no other reason than to remain top-of-mind with your customers. When they’re getting emails from you with exciting news and great deals (who couldn’t use those these…

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9 Essential Retail Marketing Strategies for 2024

9 Essential Retail Marketing Strategies for 2024 Optimize your online presence with accurate, up-to-date information and a Google Business Profile. Employ strategic sales and loss leaders to drive foot traffic and highlight product range. Create captivating window displays and offer a digitally curated catalog for broader inventory access and to support customers who want to…

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25 Ways to Grow Your Email List

25 Ways to Grow Your Email List If you want to remain top-of-mind with your customers (as well as nurture people who are interested in your business, but not yet buying from you), you need to be able to stay in touch. While social media may seem like a good first step, you’re limited in…

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Is This What’s Holding Back Your Sales?

Is This What’s Holding Back Your Sales? Ask yourself a simple question—what’s holding your potential customers back from buying from you?   You might think cost. Perhaps it’s ease of purchase (online ordering), location, or not knowing about you. But there could be something much easier to fix than cutting your prices, moving, or rebranding/launching…

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Navigating the Marketing Maze: A Small Business Guide to Maximizing A Small Marketing Budget

Navigating the Marketing Maze: A Small Business Guide to Maximizing A Small Marketing Budget Set clear marketing goals based on what you aim to achieve, such as boosting website traffic, sales, or social media presence. Capitalize on what makes your small business unique, like being family-owned or sourcing locally, to stand out without a big…

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5 Key Connections Every Leader Must Have in Their Professional Network

5 Key Connections Every Leader Must Have in Their Professional Network Cultivating strategic connections is crucial for leadership success, like a chessboard where every piece is key. Engaging with industry insiders provides insights and competitive edge. Mentors offer personalized advice to navigate leadership challenges. Collaborating with innovators sparks new strategies, keeping leadership forward-thinking. Connectors open…

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Is It Time to Hand Over Your Brand to Your Customers?

Article title on left, the word 'Customers' in red. An outline hand hands over an outline heart with the words "My Brand" in red. Another blue outline hand accepts it. End Description.

Is It Time to Hand Over Your Brand to Your Customers? For years now, marketers have touted word-of-mouth marketing as the most powerful, influential, and effective marketing out there. Business owners heeding this advice have begged, borrowed, and bribed people to review them. But it’s been an uphill battle for most. That’s because when customers…

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