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Fast-Track Trust: How to Win Customers Quickly

Fast-Track Trust: How to Win Customers Quickly Trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships, driving sales and fostering loyalty. Yet, building that trust swiftly, especially in a competitive landscape filled with countless options for consumers, can be hard. Establishing credibility and rapport takes time and effort. (It’s the one thing you can’t buy at Costco.) But strategic actions can accelerate trust building. By…

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Feeling Stuck? Try These Content Ideas for Small Businesses.

Feeling Stuck? Try These Content Ideas for Small Businesses. Content helps you connect, right? It gives insights into your business, your personality, and your culture. But boy, can it be draining. And as awesome as AI is there are only so many times you can ask it for blog ideas for the exact same audience…

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Digital Etiquette Tips

Digital Etiquette Tips Internetting ain’t easy. There are all sorts of digital quagmires we get ourselves into putting words onto a screen and hitting send or post. It’s a tricky time navigating communication across the digital world. Since Emily Post is busy sorting out which fork goes where, it’s time we turn to her predecessor…

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Create a Loyal Following with a Facebook Group for Your Business

Create a Loyal Following with a Facebook Group for Your Business Beginning marketers often think a Facebook group is an ideal way to bring their target market together. And while we’re not discounting the truth behind that, most novice businesses make a critical mistake when creating a Facebook group for the first time.   Their…

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Inbound or Outbound Marketing: Which one is best for your small business?

Inbound or Outbound Marketing: Which one is best for your small business? Understanding the difference between inbound and outbound marketing is key to crafting effective strategies. Inbound marketing attracts customers through valuable content and SEO, fostering organic reach and engagement. Outbound marketing pushes messages to a broad audience through traditional advertising methods like TV and…

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The Power of Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Boosting Your Brand and Sales

The Power of Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Boosting Your Brand and Sales Behind-the-scenes videos (BTS) provide authenticity and transparency, boosting brand exposure and emotional connection with the audience. Sharing exclusive, behind-the-scenes content can increase social media following and visibility through engaging, shareable videos. BTS content builds trust with consumers by humanizing the brand and showcasing the passion…

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Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales

Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales Whew! Can you feel it? The unofficial start of summer is here.   Summer is a season of change for many small businesses. School’s out, vacations are in, and customer behavior shifts as people embrace the warmer weather and longer days. For some businesses, it’s a time of enormous…

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5 Emails that Will Grow Your Business

5 Emails that Will Grow Your Business Implementing a lead magnet on your website is crucial for capturing the email addresses of interested visitors, offering them a valuable resource in exchange An effective email campaign is essential for building trust with potential customers, utilizing a series of welcoming messages to make a memorable impression. Various…

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Are You Selling What Your Customers Need?

Are You Selling What Your Customers Need? This is not a comment on the actual item or service you sell but in how you present it. If you’re not using your audience’s language and talking to a need they’ve identified, you’re fighting a marketing battle, and you need to change that today. Here’s why:  …

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Fire Up Your Email Marketing with These Action-Driving Subject Lines

Fire Up Your Email Marketing with These Action-Driving Subject Lines As a business owner, you are well-served by collecting emails and running an email marketing campaign if for no other reason than to remain top-of-mind with your customers. When they’re getting emails from you with exciting news and great deals (who couldn’t use those these…

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