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Red Flag Series: Student Job Scams

By Lauren | April 9, 2024

Red Flag Series: Student Job Scams As we near the close of the Academic Year, a lot of students are looking for work. Whether for the summer or their first post-graduation job, students are applying and recruiters are recruiting. While you’re in the crush of it all, it’s easy to see an email saying ‘You’re…

Main Street Is Changing: What the Remote Work Trend Means for Your Small Business

By Lauren | April 8, 2024

Do you work from home, or do you have a brick-and-mortar business? While COVID taught us about the convenience of working from home (who can give up a one-minute commute?), it’s been the inflated economy and increase in costs that have driven many small businesses to embrace a location-independent business. That could mean a big…

Maximizing Business Success Through Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Strategies for Engaging and Retaining Your Workforce

By Lauren | April 8, 2024

Employee satisfaction surveys are key to aligning company values with goals, understanding team dynamics, evaluating supervisor performance, and identifying opportunities for training, development, and career advancement. Ensuring anonymity in surveys is vital to encourage honest feedback without fear of retribution, with options to use third-party agencies or tools like SurveyMonkey for conducting surveys. Crafting insightful…

Is This What’s Holding Back Your Sales?

By Lauren | April 2, 2024

Ask yourself a simple question-what’s holding your potential customers back from buying from you?   You might think cost. Perhaps it’s ease of purchase (online ordering), location, or not knowing about you. But there could be something much easier to fix than cutting your prices, moving, or rebranding/launching a huge marketing campaign. While all these…

Think Twice Before Hiring or Promoting “Brilliant Jerks”

By Lauren | April 1, 2024

Arianna Huffington criticizes valuing employees solely on brilliance, coining the term “brilliant jerks” for talented yet toxic workers  “Brilliant jerks” can hide their toxic behaviors behind exceptional performance, complicating their identification and the management of their negative impact. Their presence can damage team unity, foster a toxic work environment, decrease morale and productivity, and lead…

If You’re a Gig Worker (or use them) You Need to Know This

By Lauren | March 25, 2024

If you’re a gig worker, or you use them in your business, it’s important that you are aware of recent legislation that went into effect this month.   What Is a Gig Worker? A gig worker (independent contractor, freelancer, or contingent worker) is someone who works on a temporary, flexible basis, often for multiple clients…

How to Verify the Accuracy of an Applicant’s Resume

By Lauren | March 25, 2024

75% of hiring managers have encountered lies on resumes, posing a challenge to the trustworthiness of applicant qualifications. Pruning outdated or irrelevant job experiences from resumes can help applicants highlight their most recent and pertinent skills. Checking for employment gaps can uncover important character traits or red flags, such as incarceration, which can be further…

Are You Forgetting the Most Important Part of Hiring?

By Lauren | March 18, 2024

Hiring is one of the costliest things you do as a business as it can leave you exposed and vulnerable. While a good hire can be a turning point in your business, a bad hire can leave you (and your employees) reeling. That’s why the interview and selection process are important. However, it’s what you…

Navigating the Marketing Maze: A Small Business Guide to Maximizing A Small Marketing Budget

By Lauren | March 18, 2024

Set clear marketing goals based on what you aim to achieve, such as boosting website traffic, sales, or social media presence. Capitalize on what makes your small business unique, like being family-owned or sourcing locally, to stand out without a big budget. Use online tools to track important metrics like sales/conversion rates and click-through rates…

Article title. Blue outline of a person in a circle. There are four points- a text bubble, a clock, a document, and a lightbulb. End description.

Top In-Demand Skills in 2024

By Lauren | March 11, 2024

Bernard Marr highlights the importance of acquiring the right skills to stand out in today’s competitive job market, focusing on adaptability to meet changing demands. The rise of AI presents both significant challenges and opportunities for businesses, requiring investments in technology and ethical considerations while offering potential for innovation and efficiency. Project management becomes crucial…


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